David Austin Constance™, the prettiest of pink roses, with a fruity fragrance
All hail princess David Austin Constance™. The prettiest of pink roses, the perfect choice for a fairy tale dream. Constance has a Cinderella ballgown shape thanks to her layers of delicate petals ombre from a heart of cream, mingling with ballet-slipper pinks and watercolour rose hues. Each rose different, from the palest cream and pink to a deeper pink hue, each equally beautiful. This rose has an elegant fruity perfume with hints of apple and pear.
David Austin’s Constance™, the epitome of a fairy tale dream in the world of roses. Delicate layers of petals cascade in a Cinderella ballgown shape, transitioning from a creamy heart to ballet-slipper pinks and watercolour rose hues. Each Constance rose is unique, ranging from the palest creams to deeper pink shades, each equally stunning. This variety exudes an elegant fruity perfume with hints of apple and pear, making it a perfect choice for adding enchanting beauty and fragrance to any floral arrangement or garden setting.