25 sunny bouquets with yellow roses


Long associated with the sun and its life-giving warmth, yellow is the age-old spokes-color for warm feelings of friendship and optimism. The significance of yellow roses makes them perfect for occasions such as birthday parties and events. However, nowadays yellow roses are gaining more and more popularity in the wedding industry. That’s why we roamed the internet for you to compose a list of 25 inspirational bouquets with yellow roses. Contrary to popular belief, yellow roses are not just a perfect fit for summer; the soft yellow shades also make up for a perfect fall bouquet!

Yellow succulent bridal bouquet with succulents, chamomile, billy balls, dusty miller, dahlias, ranunculus, yarrow, and, of course, roses. Via Florals by Jenny

Yellow succulent bridal bouquet with succulents, chamomile, billy balls,
dusty miller, dahlias, ranunculus, yarrow, and, of course, roses.
Via Florals by Jenny


Summer bouquet with yellow roses. Via Love My Dress

Via Love My Dress


Bouquet with yellow roses. Via Brides

Via Brides


Mono bouquet with yellow roses. Via Style Me Pretty 

Via Style Me Pretty


Lovely bouquet featuring Toulouse Lautrec roses. 

Lovely bouquet featuring Toulouse Lautrec roses.


Yellow and white wedding bouquet with yellow roses, craspedia, calla lilies, stock, and baby's breath. Via Wedding Wire

Yellow and white wedding bouquet with yellow roses, craspedia, calla lilies, stock, and baby’s breath.
Via Wedding Wire


Blue and yellow wedding bouquet. Perfect for the bride or bridesmaid. Designed with blue hydrangea, yellow roses, light blue delphinium, dusty miller, and seeded eucalyptus. Via Backyard Garden Florist

Blue and yellow wedding bouquet. Perfect for the bride or bridesmaid. Designed with blue
hydrangea, yellow roses, light blue delphinium, dusty miller, and seeded eucalyptus.
Via Backyard Garden Florist


Summer wedding bouquet with yellow roses and white peonies. 

Summer wedding bouquet with yellow roses and white peonies.


Soft yellow roses and bright sunflowers make a wonderful combination, don't you think?

Soft yellow roses and bright sunflowers make a wonderful combination, don’t you think?


A variety of yellow roses make up for a vibrant spring or summer bouquet. Via Decor Facil

A variety of yellow roses make up for a vibrant spring or summer bouquet.
Via Decor Facil


The combination of soft yellow and soft pink makes this a sweet and summery bridesmaid bouquet. Via Wedding Chicks 

The combination of soft yellow and soft pink makes this a sweet and summery bridesmaid bouquet.
Via Wedding Chicks 


Via Style Me Pretty

Via Style Me Pretty


Country style wedding with baby blue and yellow roses. Via Fiori by Lynne

Country style wedding with baby blue and yellow roses.
Via Fiori by Lynne


Bridal bouquet with yellow roses, calla lilies, craspedia,  and queen anne's lace.

Bridal bouquet with yellow roses, calla lilies, craspedia,  and queen anne’s lace.


Bouquet with yellow roses that has an autumn sort of feel to it. Via Green Wedding Shoes

Bouquet with yellow roses that has an autumn sort of feel to it.
Via Green Wedding Shoes


Beautiful and intimate wedding bouquet with the softest shades of pink and yellow. Via Simone Anne

Beautiful and intimate wedding bouquet with the softest shades of pink and yellow.
Via Simone Anne


For a softer look and feel of your wedding bouquet, Caramel Antike is a definite must have! 

For a softer look and feel of your wedding bouquet, Caramel Antike is a definite must have!


Sunny bouquet with yellow roses



Sunny wedding bouquet with billy button, yellow roses, and white aster. Via Ruffled Blog

Sunny wedding bouquet with billy button, yellow roses, and white aster.
Via Ruffled Blog



Mustard yellow roses make up for a pretty stunning rustic wedding bouquet! Via Once Wed

Mustard yellow roses make up for a pretty stunning rustic wedding bouquet!
Via Once Wed


Bold and brilliant wedding bouquet with yellow roses. Via MOD Wedding

Bold and brilliant wedding bouquet with yellow roses.
Via MOD Wedding


Sweet and wild wedding bouquet that could be perfect for fall as well. Via The Perfect Wedding

Sweet and wild wedding bouquet that could be perfect for fall as well.
Via The Perfect Wedding


Soft and beautiful combination of Patience roses and Caramel Antike roses. 

Soft and beautiful combination of Patience roses and Caramel Antike roses.


Summer vibes all over with this stunning bouquet with yellow roses. Via Studio Choo Florists

Summer vibes all over with this stunning bouquet with yellow roses.
Via Studio Choo Florists


Bold bouquet with red and yellow roses. Via Wedding Party

Via Wedding Party


Yellow roses from our collection that perfectly fit into this theme:


Want to see more garden roses perfect for this summer? Just take a look at our assortment page! Make sure you order your roses in advance so we can ensure you their availability. Just give us a call or send your order to [email protected]. We’re happy to help ?

PS. Want more inspiration? More roses? Come join us on Facebook!

PPS. We’re looking for guest bloggers! Are you a wedding planner?? A floral designer?? You have something you might think our fans will love? Come blog for us! Give us your stories, tips and inspiration, or simply send us pictures of your work with garden roses for our Facebook feed. We’d love to share your story  ?

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