The 10 best selling scented roses


David Austin Wedding Roses are very popular and are well-represented in the top 10 of our best selling scented roses. Without a doubt it’s Juliet who steals the crown. But the best scented roses of the Meilland Jardin & Parfum Rose collection and the Premium Scented Garden Rose collection have claimed their rightful places as well. There was only one really shocking surprise; a gorgeous red rose that made the top 10…Extase!

Scented Rose Extase10. Extase

The red rose Extase was developed by Kordes in the 1940’s. It’s a real classic! As far as we know the Zekveld Nursery is the only company in the world producing this rose commercially. The nursery from the family Zekveld has been  growing roses for over more than forty years, especially classical fragrant roses. Now from all roses, only the red rose Extase is still in production.

Extase is a beautiful red fragrant rose.



Scented Roses Pink O'Hara9. Premium Scented Garden Rose Pink O’Hara

The premium scented garden rose Pink O’hara is a large, French, Pink rose, with a slight darker tinge at the center, that opens up fully in a quartered way.

The Pink O’Hara has a more traditional rose shape, but is filled with layers and layers of petals that give a wonderful rose scent. Pink O’hara would be perfect to use in bouquets or centerpieces for a romantic garden wedding or mix with pinks for a charming bridal or baby shower.

The scented rose Pink O’Hara is very fragrant (5 stars out of 5) and often used for weddings and special events. It is hard to ship and its vase life is extraordinary. A perfect Pink garden rose!

The Pink O’Hara is also a delicate, highly fragrant garden rose that portrays unparalleled beauty and romance.

A delightfully pure and wholesome aesthetic rose. You know weddings are a vision of loveliness and when decorated with this terrific flower of love everything looks clearer, crisper, and brighter!


David Austin Wedding rose DARCEY8. David Austin Wedding Rose Darcey

The colour of this intriguing rose is transformed as the bloom ages. David Austin Wedding Rose Darcey is bright magenta in the bud, opening to rich raspberry red colour, then finally developing velvety purple tones as the bloom ages.

The flowers of the David Austin Wedding Rose Darcey are in the form of incurved cups at first, opening out to perfect rosettes with many perfectly arranged petals. When fully open, a beautiful cluster of golden stamens can be seen in the heart of the rose.

The attractive matt green foliage is very characteristic of old roses.

There is a very light fruity tea scent to be discovered in the David Austin Wedding Rose Darcey.

Darcey dries beautifully if the flowers are hung upside down to air in a dark, dry place before the blooms have fully opened. Leave for about two or three weeks until they are completely dried. The dried roses will be a sensational dark purple colour.


Meilland Jardin & Parfum rose Yves Piaget7. Meilland Jardin & Parfum Rose Yves Piaget

The diva of the Piaget family, the Yves Piaget rose, once seen is never forgotten. This gloriously strong scented rose with a hint of sunny citrus has an average of 80 layers of petals, with a bright to light pink color.

Like an enormous scoop of strawberry ice cream, it’s hard to resist.

The Yves Piaget Rose is bred in France and introduced in 1985. The large-flowered Yves Piaget Rose is sometimes known as ‘Queen Adelaide.’ This award-winner is known for its sweet scent and large, full-petaled, pink blossoms reminiscent of the old garden roses grown during English Queen Adelaide’s reign in the nineteenth century.

Named for the famous Swiss clock maker who makes the trophy for the best rose in the Geneva rose competition. Perfectly combines old-fashioned form, strong color and rich fragrance.


David Austin Rose Miranda6. David Austin Wedding Rose Miranda

The David Austin Wedding Rose Miranda was part of the second generation of David Austin’s Cut Roses and remains very popular today for weddings and events. This rose is remarkable for the giant blooms, made up of approximately 120 wavy petals, perfectly arranged to form beautiful, almost flat rosettes.

When fully open, the heart of the David Austin Wedding Rose Miranda is a pure rose pink, while the outer petals pale to the softest shade of pink.

At the bud stage, the outer petals can be seen to have a lovely streaked green effect, which adds to the garden style, creating a look reminiscent of a parrot tulip. These outer petals gradually turn back and are hidden as the blooms open.

David Austin Wedding Rose Miranda has a delicate fruity fragrance.

Named for Prospero’s beautiful daughter in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.


Meilland Jardin & Parfum rose Prince Jardinier5. Meilland Jardin & Parfum Rose Prince Jardinier

The rose Prince Jardinier is a member of the ‘Meilland Jardin & Parfum’ collection. This collection is a true luxury rose collection with the best scented cut rose varieties of the famous French Rose breeding family Meilland.

The Prince Jardinier rose is strong and carries approximately 80 petals. The color fades from a very beautiful pale cream to a light pink in the heart of the rose.

The rose is compact but has an amazing sweet scent.


Scented garden rose White O'Hara

4. Premium Scented Garden Rose White O’Hara

The premium scented garden rose White O’hara is a large, French, white rose, with a slight ivory tinge at the center, that opens up fully in a quartered way. While the name of this variety is called “White O’hara” the petals of this beautiful garden rose has a touch of pink that gives it a blush tone.

The scented garden rose white O’Hara has a more traditional rose shape, but is filled with layers and layers of petals that give a wonderful rose scent.

White O’hara would be perfect to use in bouquets or centerpieces for a romantic garden wedding or mix with pinks for a charming bridal or baby shower.

The scented garden rose White O’Hara is very fragrant (5 stars out of 5) and often used for weddings and special events. It is hardy to ship and its vase life is extraordinary. A perfect white garden rose!

The premium scented garden rose White O’Hara is also a delicate, highly fragrant garden rose that portrays unparalleled beauty and romance. A delightfully pure and wholesome aesthetic rose. You know weddings are a vision of loveliness and when decorated with this terrific flower of love everything looks clearer, crisper, and brighter!


David Austin Wedding Rose Keira3. David Austin Wedding Rose Keira

The Stunning David Austin Wedding Rose Keira has natural charm and glorious, vintage-style blooms. This unusual rose breaks all the normal rules for the cut flower industry, because each rose is subtly different in colour, being a beautiful blend of blush pink and cream, often with warm peachy highlights. Some blooms have an irregular flush of pink that highlights the edge of the outer petals, creating a very soft picotee effect. We think that this variation adds to the natural charm of the rose.

The flowers of the David Austin Wedding Rose Keira are beautiful at all stages: the small, plump buds opening into glorious, rounded young blooms that eventually form spectacular cupped rosettes, each with around 100 petals. The edges of the outer petals have an attractive, lightly waved effect. There is a medium-strong rose fragrance.

This David Austin Wedding Rose Keira, perhaps more than any other, looks like it has been freshly cut from the garden.

This makes it particularly effective when combined with seasonal flowers, herbs and foliage for a romantic, garden-inspired look.

The name ‘Keira’ is a charming variation on the ancient Gaelic ‘Ciara’.


David Austin Wedding Rose Patience2. David Austin Wedding Rose Patience

The David Austin Wedding Rose Patience is a delightful buttermilk rose with ruffled petals reminiscent of fine lace. The creamy yellow buds gradually open out fully to form flat, medium-sized rosettes.

The many frilled petals are beautifully arranged around a classic button eye. There are approximately 165 small petals packed into each bloom of the David Austin Wedding rose Patience.

There is a fresh old rose fragrance with elements of fruit, lilac and myrrh. The fragrance is medium-strong at first, but softens as the blooms age, later developing lemony notes.

The romantic colour helps to make the David Austin Wedding Rose Patience a highly desirable wedding flower.

Depending on how they are styled, these versatile, creamy white blooms can bring a traditional old-world character to floral designs. In more contemporary interpretations, ‘Patience’ has a natural radiance, freshness and charm. Patience is one of the seven heavenly virtues.


David Austin Wedding Rose ''Juliet''

1. David Austin Wedding Rose Juliet

The David Austin Wedding Rose Juliet was the first of David Austin’s Cut Roses to be released and is sometimes known as the ‘£3 million rose’. After over fifteen years of intensive breeding, Juliet combines the beautiful cupped rosette form of old roses with a very contemporary colour.

The unusual and sophisticated colour of the David Austin Wedding Rose Juliet was not found in roses of the past and is hard to find among modern roses. Pale peach buds open to reveal deeper inner tones neatly arranged within the heart of the bloom. Beautifully cupped rosettes are held elegantly upright on strong stems. Juliet deserves its place as our most popular variety. A light fragrance reminiscent of snowdrop and daffodil.

The David Austin Wedding Rose Juliet has the lightest fragrance of our cut roses. Despite this, it is always one of the most popular of our cut roses for weddings, commemorations, events and special occasions.

The large, elegant blooms made Juliet utterly different from most other contemporary cut roses. When fully open, the blooms reveal many neatly-arranged petals nestling in folds within the heart of the bloom.


Of course we have many more varieties. You can find them all on our assortment page. Don’t forget to follow our Facebook page for daily updates! If you want to order our roses or have any questions, just send us an email at [email protected] 🙂



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