Everlasting Lavender spray rose is a soft grey-lavender colour with a light frangrance whose cupped buds open to beautiful, small rosettes.
Everlasting Lavender spray roses are a floral delight, captivating with their soft, grey lavender colour. These remarkable roses showcase a unique hue that combines delicate shades of grey and lavender, creating an enchanting and sophisticated appearance. The petals of the Everlasting Lavender spray roses gracefully unfurl, revealing a gentle, grey lavender tone that exudes tranquillity and grace. The colour is soft and soothing, evoking a sense of serenity and calmness.
Discover the enchanting beauty of Everlasting Lavender spray roses from Parfum Flower Company. These floral wonders captivate with their soft, grey lavender colour, offering a unique hue that blends delicate shades of grey and lavender for a sophisticated appearance.
Watch as the petals of Everlasting Lavender spray roses gracefully unfurl, revealing a gentle, grey lavender tone that exudes tranquillity and grace. The soft and soothing colour palette evokes a sense of serenity and calmness, perfect for creating a peaceful atmosphere in any space.
Experience the timeless elegance of Everlasting Lavender spray roses and add a touch of tranquillity to your surroundings. Explore the beauty today with Parfum Flower Company.