Magic Trendsetter srpay rose is a hot pink rose and she is beautiful, bold and hugely impressionable
Magic Trendsetter spray rose is a captivating and enchanting floral variety that exudes charm and vibrancy. This rose showcases a burst of colours, with petals that blend shades of pink, coral, and apricot. The vibrant hues create a mesmerizing display and add a sense of liveliness to any arrangement. She features multiple blooms per stem, creating a delightful cluster of flowers. Her compact size and abundance of blooms make her perfect for creating lush and textured floral designs. The Magic Trendsetter spray rose is a symbol of joy and beauty, capturing attention with its captivating colours and adding a touch of whimsy
The vibrant hues create a mesmerizing display and add a sense of liveliness to any arrangement. Magic Trendsetter spray roses feature multiple blooms per stem, creating a delightful cluster of flowers.
Their compact size and abundance of blooms make them perfect for creating lush and textured floral designs. Magic Trendsetter spray roses are a symbol of joy and beauty, capturing attention with their captivating colours and adding a touch of whimsy to any occasion.