13 ways to incorporate scented roses into your home decor


We know all too well how popular scented roses are for wedding bouquets, arrangements and events. But have you ever thought about getting scented roses for in your home? We can assure you, there’s almost nothing better than coming home to a vase full of scented roses. The aroma’s are usually intensely sweet and fill up the whole room. So instead of bouquets, we’re showing you 13 ways to incorporate these roses into your home decor. Enjoy!


Brighten up the room with some pink flowers. For this arrangement, the roses Pink O'Hara and Peony Pink are a perfect choice.
Brighten up the room with some pink flowers. For this arrangement,
the roses Pink O’Hara and Peony Pink are a perfect choice.
via The Pink Dream

You know what's always a good idea? A vase full of peonies and David Austin Juliet roses!
You know what’s always a good idea? A vase full of peonies and David Austin Juliet roses!
via Style Me Pretty

A bucket of blooms.
A bucket of blooms.
via French Country Cottage

colorful arrangement of Romantic Antike garden roses, poppies, ranunculi, and kumquat branches. Perfect to get those spring vibes into your home.
A colorful arrangement of Romantic Antike garden roses, poppies, ranunculi,
and kumquat branches. Perfect to get those spring vibes into your home.
via SF Girl By Day

For a more classic, timeless look white roses are your pick. For instance with Princess Miyuki roses; a gorgeous snow white garden rose from Japanese origin.
For a more classic, timeless look white roses are your pick. For instance with Princess Miyuki roses;
a gorgeous snow white garden rose from Japanese origin.
via Feedpuzzle

These mason jars from BeachBlues are amazing! Don't forget to get yourself some Paul Ricard roses and you're all set.
These mason jars from BeachBlues are amazing!
Don’t forget to get yourself some Paul Ricard roses and you’re all set.

Wreaths aren't only for Christmas or weddings! It's totally cool to have one at home.
Wreaths aren’t only for Christmas or weddings! It’s totally cool to have one at home.
via Happy Wed

You don't need anything large to make an impact. This DIY flower arrangement in a hollow grapefruit is incredibly cute.
You don’t need anything large to make an impact. This DIY
flower arrangement in a hollow grapefruit is incredibly cute.
via Style Me Pretty

You can also stay on a budget. Fancy doesn't necessarily mean expensive. This sweet combination of mason jars, roses, hydrangeas and candles is easy to copy into your own home style.
You can also stay on a budget. Fancy doesn’t necessarily mean expensive.
This sweet combination of mason jars, roses, hydrangeas and candles is
easy to copy into your own home style.

When you go for something simple, or minimalistic, make sure the roses you pick are works of art on their own. I would personally have a vase with either Prince Jardinier or Pink O'Hara roses to mimic this style. These rose varieties have scents that will fill the entire room!

When you go for something simple, or minimalistic, make sure the roses you pick are works of art on their own. I would personally have a vase with either Prince Jardinier or Pink O'Hara roses to mimic this style. These rose varieties have scents that will fill the entire room!

When you go for something simple, or minimalistic, make sure the roses you pick are works of art
on their own. I would personally have a vase with either Prince Jardinier or Pink O’Hara roses
to mimic this style. These rose varieties have scents that will fill the entire room!
via Camille Styles

I love this DIY from Afloral! I would definitely recommend to get your floral supplies at a good florist in your city or town. A professional florist knows how to assist you with finding the right style for your home. They can also give you tips on how to make sure you can enjoy the flowers as long as possible.

I love this DIY from Afloral! I would definitely recommend to get your floral supplies at a good florist
in your city or town. A professional florist knows how to assist you with finding the right style for your
home. They can also give you tips on how to make sure you can enjoy the flowers as long as possible.

grey home decor with vase of pink roses

Ah yes, this makes me happy!
via Decoratio

Bedside vase with juliet roses

The best way to wake up!
via Country Living


If there’s anything you need or want to ask, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We’re happy to help! Oh, and if you liked this post, come join us on Facebook, where we share our love for roses daily with a large community of florists, breeders, wholesalers and rose lovers around the world ?

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