Five garden roses perfect for gift bouquets


Calling all florists and floral designers! Before you become snowed under with The Big Three (Valentines, International Women’s’ Day and Mother’s Day) let’s talk roses – the unsung heroes of our craft (not that we are biased). When it comes to creating bouquets that leave a lasting impression, the right rose can make all the difference. So, if you’re looking to up your floral game, check out these 5 garden roses perfect for gift bouquets and be sure to dazzle your customers.

Atsushi has stores in Paris and Japan and makes the most beautiful and luxurious gift bouquets using garden roses.

Pink and White O’Hara: Blossoming Beauty for Your Showcase

The rose Pink O’Hara is a vision of delicate beauty. Each bloom features numerous layers of velvety petals that unfurl to reveal a stunning display of pretty pink hues. The petals are ruffled and slightly cupped, giving the flowers a romantic and vintage appeal. The blooms are typically medium-large sized, exhibiting a perfect balance between grace and fullness, with a wonderful fragrance.

White Ohara roses showcase large and full blooms, each with layers upon layers of velvety petals. The soft white hue creates a sense of serenity and tranquillity, evoking a feeling of peace and harmony. The petals unfold with grace, revealing their intricate details and captivating fragrance. During different times of year, she may have a very pale blush centre. Isn’t this bouquet using White O’hara from Prefere Fleur CZ gorgeous?

Julietta’s: Beauty that Lasts (and Lasts)

Imagine a rose that’s as elegant as it is tough – that’s Julietta’s for you. These roses are the marathon runners of the floral world. They look all pretty and delicate, but don’t be fooled; they can go the distance. So, if you want your bouquet to stick around for the long haul, Julietta’s is where it’s at.

Unbelievable bouquet from Ostogenka Flowers featuring our Julietta spray roses.

WABARA Miyabi and Miyabi Cha: Roses that Break the Mold

If you’re tired of the same-old, same-old, say hello to WABARA Miyabi and Miyabi Cha. These roses are rebels with their oversized heads and a vibe that screams, “I’m not your average rose.” They’re not just unique; they redefine what it means to be a rose. Plus, they’ve got a killer vase life, making them the rockstars of your bouquet.

Café Latte: Sippin’ on Sophistication

Picture this: a rose that’s as comforting as your favourite cup of coffee. That’s Café Latte for you. These roses bring warm, cozy vibes to your bouquet, making it a standout. But the best part? They’re not just about looks; but also exude a captivating aroma, leaving a lasting impression on your customers.

Cafe Latte roses captured beautifully by Katya Hutter.

Hashtags (#Ashtags): Roses not social media!

In 1990, a quirky seedling with ruffled petals popped up in the Interplant garden trial field, sparking a wild adventure. Despite early setbacks, our dedication to breeding paid off big time! Fast forward to 2019, and voilà, #Ashtag roses burst onto the scene, wowing flower enthusiasts everywhere with their funky flair.

In a sea of blooms, these five garden roses are your secret weapons for wowing customers. Whether it’s the captivating hues, enduring vase life, or unique characteristics, each rose brings its own charm to your arrangements.

So, florist friends, the next time you want to add a dash of magic to your bouquets, reach for one of these floral superstars.

More insights

Parfum Flower Company Roses and the 2025 Pantone




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