The 6 most popular types of wedding bouquets


As a florist you must have experienced this before. Someone calls you or comes into your flower shop for a wedding bouquet. They know exactly which products they like and what colors they want their wedding bouquet to be, but when you ask them which shape they like…”ehm…like a bouquet?”

Round bouquets are definitely the most common ones, but there are a lot of more bouquet shapes to choose from! A lot of customers just don’t know what the possibilities are. So when you’re looking for a wedding bouquet, make sure you write some things down before you go to a florist. What shape do you want it to be? Which flowers do you really want to have in your bouquet? What’s your wedding’s color scheme? This is very valuable information for a florist, because they want the bouquet to perfectly fit in with the rest of the appearance. A good florist will ask you a lot of questions so they can create something that you will love.

Which types of wedding bouquets are there?

Round wedding bouquetsRound wedding bouquets

A round bouquet is the most popular shape for weddings. It’s a simple, yet elegant and traditional bouquet shape and can be designed as either a tight cluster for density, or loosely for an ”airy” feel. This bouquet type basically works for any type of dress or wedding.

It’s important to think about which types of flowers you want to have in your bouquet, since they will influence the formality of the bouquet. This type of wedding bouquet can be easily tailored in cost because of its ability to be compromised in either the same type of flower or an assortment of varieties and sizes.








Pageant wedding bouquetsPageant wedding bouquets

A pageant wedding bouquet is also referred to as an ”arm sheath” bouquet because of the long stem flowers and foliage that the bride cradles in her arm. You can make this type of bouquet as modestly or elaborately designed as desired. A pageant bouquet is a stunning alternative for a more modern wedding.

The stems of this bouquet shape may show at one end, or can be arranged without them showing by adding a ribbon-tied finishing touch. Popular floral choices to include are calla lilies, gladiolus, orchids, long-stemmed roses, delphiniums and larkspur.







Cascade wedding bouquetsCascade wedding bouquets

Cascade wedding bouquets are initially referred to as ”shower bouquets”. This type of bouquet is the most formal and most traditional, and is designed to gracefully spill over the bride’s hands as it flows downward for a sophisticated and stylized look.

Cascade wedding bouquets are roundish at the top and narrows into a point at the bottom. You can basically use any type of flower for this bouquet so there’s lots to choose from!

Fun fact: The late Princess Diana carried this style as her impressive bridal bouquet.







Nosegay wedding bouquetNosegay wedding bouquets

A nosegay wedding bouquet is usually a compact cluster of flowers where stems are wrapped tightly, often with organza or satin ribbon and cut to one, uniform length. Traditionally, this type of bouquet contains more greenery than other bouquets. Nosegay wedding bouquets are a very trendy choice for bride’s but also popular for bridesmaids in a smaller arrangement.

The term ”nosegay” arose in the 15th century (”gay” then meaning ”ornament”), denoting an ornament that appealed to the nose. No wonder why our scented roses are a popular floral choice for these types of bouquets!



Posy wedding bouquets Posy wedding bouquets

A posy bouquet is typically small and round so it can be held easily in one hand. This bouquet type is one of the more often-chosen for brides and bridesmaids alike because of its ability to incorporate a wide range of flower types and shapes that are rich in color and interest.

A posy wedding bouquet can either be constructed loosely with a hand-wrapped, wedding color-coordinated ribbon and an embellished trim, or by replacing the stems with florists wire for a more structured look with one type of flower. Flowers that work really well in these wedding bouquets are roses, gerberas, peonies, tulips and rununculus.







pomander wedding bouquetsPomander wedding bouquets

A pomander bouquet is often referred to as a ”kissing ball” for the ”ball” of many blossoms and is suspended from a loop of decorative ribbon. The flowers used in pomander bouquets are typically all the same size and touch or overlap in design.

A pomander bouquet creates a more interesting way to display ordinairy or less expensive flowers than a traditional bouquet. This bouquet type is great for flowers girls or as ceremony decor as well.









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