Florist Friday | an interview with: Ivy, Bloemen in stijl


Today we’re teaming up with Tamara from Ivy, Bloemen in stijl for a friendly take-over of our social channels. We met Tamara during our floral designer meeting in March and we instantly knew we had to know more about her and her business. Tamara is not only a floral designer but also a freelance Purser at a Dutch airline, ‘combining the best of both worlds’ as she says so herself. She loves translating the wishes of grooms and brides into floral designs that make their special day even more special and she’s also going to share with us what makes her floral heart tick!

Could you tell us what prompted you to become a floral designer? 

I guess that the love for flowers just runs through my veins. My mother was always busy in her flower garden and that has fascinated me for as long as I can remember. I liked all the different flowers; their shapes, scents and colors. I was impressed with the beauty and peace they radiated. I think that sparked my desire to eventually become a floral designer. 

Could you tell us how your floristry career has progressed?

I started my education at the Florens College in Aalsmeer, the heart of the flower industry. After three years of studying I didn’t feel like I was finished – I wanted more – so I started a master’s degree in floral design. After two more years of hard work I was proud to be able to call myself a Master Florist Type A. But after obtaining this degree, simply working in a flower shop wasn’t the right path for me. I always dreamed of traveling the world and even though I was schooled to become a florist, I was still so young and had no clue how to claim my spot in the floral industry. I decided to do something else whilst figuring that out and became a flight attendant. Fast forward 20 years and I am now a freelance Purser at a Dutch airline. Being able to combine that with floral design is really the best of both worlds for me.

When did you start your business and where are you based?

The start of Ivy, Bloemen in stijl wasn’t planned, really. It just suddenly happened. A wedding stylist saw the floral designs I made for a wedding and asked me to join her team. Working for her, being able to exercise my love for flowers, was such a pleasure that I decided to start my own company. 3,5 later and I still work with the same wedding stylist. This time from my own company, though. Every year I get to meet couples and make beautiful floral designs for one of the most important days of their lives. I’m always honored when they put their faith in me. My business is located in Hoofddorp, near Aalsmeer, but I provide flower arrangements all over the Netherlands. I’d love to combine my passion for flowers and traveling and expand my company international in the future.

What kind of services do you offer?

I can offer any kind of flower arrangement you’d like. All ideas are up for discussion. I like to think out of the box and make something special for an equally special day. 

Where do you get inspiration for your floral designs?

Everywhere! Getting inspiration is not that difficult these days. With the abundance of social networks there’s always something to inspire yourself with on every platform. 

How would you describe your style?

How to describe my own style? That’s a tough one! I think I would best describe it as tidy with a edgy touch. But I’d encourage you to take a look at my floral designs and judge for yourself 😉


What are your plans for this year?

In 2018 I hope to expand my network within the wedding scene. The Floral Designer Meeting at Fragrant Garden was a good start and eye-opener for this. And of course my main goal is to make as many couples happy with their wedding flowers as possible. 

Looking back on your career, what advice would you have given yourself?

Go experience! The most wonderful assignment I’ve ever done was making flower arrangements for the royal Sint James Palace in London. I was one of the lucky ones to enter this beautiful palace and decorate it with flowers. Staircase decoration and large eye-catchers; I could go all out. 

Go learn! I always try to keep learning. I think it is important to listen closely to the bride and groom and their wishes. Get to know the people. Find out what would make this day even more special to them and translate that into flower designs.


What is your favorite (scented) rose?

Are you really making me do this? There’s so much to choose from! I find them all beautiful and think there’s a perfect rose for every setting or design. But I recently saw a salmon-pink rose called ‘Salmanasar’ from Hannah Gardens and I instantly fell in love with that one. The color of this rose is just amazing! 



You can follow Tamara on Facebook or Instagram, or, even better yet, contact her at [email protected] so she can help you with your own wedding or event! 

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