Flowers do make you happy!


It has been scientifically proven that flowers do make you happy. As we start the new year, many will be wondering how we can make 2023 our year. Whether that is getting fit, getting that promotion, or finding more joy and happiness in our lives.

The love of flowers 

Whether you’re in the industry as a florist or floral designer or simply a flower lover. Nothing beats the joy of the moment after conditioning your flowers and your studio/shop/home is filled with flowers – pure joy! At Parfum Flower company we have an incredible collection of garden roses, with over 280 different varieties. What fascinates me is whilst I am writing this, I think of our rose collection, and I am smiling and I do feel genuinely happy. 

A beautiful bouquet of Julietta garden roses made by

The Science behind why flowers make you feel happy

In 2005, a professor named Jeannette Haviland-Jones ran an experiment where she sent out three different packages either a candle, a fruit basket, or a floral bouquet to 147 different women. These gifts weren’t just thank-you gifts for a previous experiment but also part of further research. The delivery men were not couriers but observers who would take note of the facial expressions when the gifts were delivered.

Later, when looking at the results all the ladies receiving the bouquet displayed a Duchene smile – a genuine expression considered by psychologists to be “the sole indicator of true enjoyment.”. Proving flowers do make you happy. 

Harvard study by Professor Nancy Etcoff

In her study, Professor Etcoff found that people feel more compassionate toward others, have less worry and anxiety, and feel less depressed when fresh-cut flowers are in the home.   
“As a psychologist, I’m particularly intrigued to find that people who live with flowers report fewer episodes of anxiety and depressed feelings,” Etcoff says. “Our results suggest that flowers have a positive impact on our well-being.” And again, proving flowers do make you happy! 

Still the best smile in the industry! Julio from The Flower Hat with his signature handheld bunch of Meillands Prince jardinier

This brings us to the end of this blog and fuels you with proof to boldly buy yourself garden roses every week or whenever you can. We hope our flowers make you happy in 2023.

I will be back soon, with some fabulous floral news. 


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