Our 12 picks for a Valentine’s day with scented roses


Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which means love is in the air all around the flower auction. We’re being bombarded with red flowers and scented roses that are going to customers in all corners of the world to celebrate the day of love ❤

Did you know that of all your senses, smell is the one with the best memory? That’s why this Valentine’s Day we’re spicing it up with scented roses in an array of sweet, loving colors. Say bye-bye to old fashioned red, and hello amazing smelling flowers ? Because, surely, you want this day to be one to remember!

Peony Pink: heavenly scented roses

Peony pink scented rosesThe heavenly Scented Premium Garden Rose ‘Peony Pink’  is like no other.
With a perfect peony shaped flower and the most romantic fruity scent it
is one of our most beautiful roses. The color is very light pink.

Peony Pink scented rosesThe fragrance is very strong, an English Rose myrrh fragrance with lemon and
almond hints.  The flowers have a medium, cupped bloom form. Its delicate
shell pink petals opening fully to resemble a peony.

Lolita Lempicka: a striking magenta

Lolita Lempicka scented rosesThe rose Lolita Lempicka is a French scented rose from the Meilland Jardin
& Parfum collection in a striking pink magenta color.

Lolita Lempicka has a powerful, woody fragrance. A complex scent with hints
of jasmine and fruits, such as apple, apricot and lime.

David Austin Tess: deep red scented roses

David Austin Tess scented rosesDavid Austin Wedding Rose Tess’s spectacular blooms are made up of many,
sumptuous, deep royal red petals. They begin as rounded buds, with prettily
waved edges. When fully open, the large outer petals surround smaller ruffled
petals, forming magnificent, saucer-shaped rosettes, which give the
impression of great depth.

Each bloom displays a central cluster of attractive golden yellow stamens.
There is a very light and pleasant tea fragrance.

Yves Piaget: like a scoop of strawberry ice cream

Yves Piaget scented rosesThe diva of the Piaget family, the Yves Piaget rose, once seen is never forgotten.
This gloriously strong scented rose with a hint of sunny citrus has an average of
80 layers of petals, with a bright to light pink color. Like an enormous scoop of
strawberry ice cream, it’s hard to resist.

Yves Piaget is named after the famous Swiss clock maker who makes the trophy
for the best rose in the Geneva rose competition. Perfectly combines
old-fashioned form, strong color and rich fragrance.

David Austin Keira: Vintage style with a natural charm

David Austin Keira scented rosesThe Stunning David Austin Wedding Rose Keira has natural charm and glorious,
vintage-style blooms. This unusual rose breaks all the normal rules for the cut
flower industry, because each rose is subtly different in color, being a beautiful
blend of blush pink and cream, often with warm peachy highlights.

The lovely Keira has a medium-strong rose fragrance. Some blooms have an
irregular flush of pink that highlights the edge of the outer petals, creating a very
soft picotee effect. We think that this variation adds to the natural charm of the rose.

Pink O’Hara: highly fragrant scented roses

Pink O'Hara scented rosesThe premium scented garden rose Pink O’hara is a large, French, Pink rose, with a
slight darker tinge at the center, that opens up fully in a quartered way.

The scented garden rose Pink O’Hara is very fragrant (5 stars out of 5!) and often
used for weddings and special events. She has a more traditional rose shape, but
is filled with layers and layers of petals that give a wonderful rose scent.

Prince Jardinier: a light pink, ultra-romantic choice

Prince Jardinier scented rosesPrince Jardinier garden roses are very light pink and ultra-romantic scented roses
that can open up to an almost saucer shaped bloom. These are very open, soft and
swirly roses and the petals open wide enough to expose the center pollen.

Prince Jardinier has the swirled velvet petal structure typical of garden roses as well
as a particularly romantic feel. With a strong sweet fragrance and enormous blooms,
this variety is a perfect pick for Valentine’s Day.

Yves Piaget Pink: a fantastic scent

Yves Piaget Pink scented rosesThe Rose Pink Yves Piaget was found accidentally as a mutant of the normal Yves Piaget
rose at the Tambuzi farm in Kenya. Besides the great shape it has also the fantastic scent,
as fresh as the normal Yves Piaget rose.

The original Yves Piaget Rose is bred in France and introduced in 1985. ‘ This award-winner
is known for its sweet scent and large, full-petaled, pink blossoms reminiscent of the old
garden roses grown during English Queen Adelaide’s reign in the nineteenth century.

David Austin Kate: from magenta pink to hints of purple

David Austin Kate scented rosesKate is beautiful at all stages as the long elegant buds with attractive, silvery magenta pink
outer petals gradually open to wide blooms of up to four inches across. The David Austin
Wedding Rose Kate has many magenta pink petals which give the overall impression of rich
raspberry pink. As the roses age the petals deepen in color, taking on hints of purple.

The fragrance is a beautifully balanced, pure rose fragrance with what our fragrance expert,
Robert Calkin, describes as having a “touch of after-rain freshness”. There are also subtle hints
of raspberry, redcurrant, geranium and bergamot. The fragrance varies in intensity as the flower ages.

Princesse Charlene de Monaco: a royal beauty

Princesse Charlene de Monaco scented rosesThe Rose Princess Charlene of Monaco offers superb gradient pastels in delicate, salmon-pink.
It is a great rose with surprisingly few petals.

It has a beautiful, sweet and fruity fragrance. The rose Princesse Charlene de Monaco is a remarkable
rose and holds well in a fully open form. A great performer with medium-long vase life.

David Austin Capability: a rose scent with spicy overtones

David Austin Capability scented rosesFrom the David Austin Wedding Rose collection, the rose Capability is deeply-colored with rich
raspberry tones. She has a medium rose scent with some spicy overtones.

Capability is a luxury rose with a vase life of 7-9 days, making her perfect for weddings, events,
special celebrations and everyday floral arrangements.

Lady Killer: a Valentine’s classic

Lady Killer scented rosesWhen you think of a classic red rose, the rose Lady Killer is what should come to mind. A striking
pure red rose with velvet petals and a strong, delicious scent.

Lady Killer is a beautiful garden style rose and the ultimate symbol of love. Clearly, this rose is
perfect for romantic floral work and Valentine’s Day.

You’ve reached the end!

But wait! Before you go, we have a special Valentine’s promo for you. A Valentine’s box with
two special varieties of scented roses selected to celebrate the annual day of love. And every
box comes with a super handy Roses Color Guide, developed specially for you!

Valentine's Day scented rosesSimply contact us at [email protected] or give us a call (+31 (0) 297 361006).
You can check our opening hours here. Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions; we’re
happy to help! Oh, and have a great Valentine’s Day! ❤

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