This rose is not a rose. What is it?


But if it is not a rose, then what is it?

Silk roses

A few weeks ago we received the following message from a fan of our page on Facebook.

Good Morning! My name is Elena and I live in Italy. I just wanted to compliment you for your wonderful page that I simply love! I am a silk flowers maker and I have a passion for the English roses, that I have tried to reproduce several times. I was always looking for the right pictures of English roses to reproduce, but sometimes it’s pretty hard to find it on internet. I simply adore the pictures you post! So happy I have found you on Facebook!

As you can imagine, we were intrigued. The pictures Elena attached definitely looked like roses, but they weren’t organic at all; they were made of silk! Obviously, we had to know more!

Her love for flowers started as a child. ”I can still remember a yellow rose with red pointed petals that I was in love with back home in Romania,” Elena says. ”I spent hours looking at it, smelling it and examining it.” She never thought that one day, this would be her job.


Two years after Elena moved to Italy, she started to create sugar flowers. She was fortunate enough to meet Alan Dunn, one of the most famous sugercraft artists, and learn from him. But, Elena decided, sugar flowers were not exactly what she was looking for, and the search continued.

”After taking a break, I suddenly remembered a lady I had spoken to years ago who made silk flowers,” Elena tells us. ”I thought, why not give it a try myself?” She started looking for information on the internet, educating herself on the matter. And so it happened that on March 29th, 2015 her first silk flower was born.

Silk flowers by Giulia Coman

”I was lucky to have three great friends who helped me with searching, counseling and supporting, so I could reach the best of my potential.” And it did, because 8 months later her silk flowers were featured in several magazines worldwide, one of them being the Italian Vogue Bridal. With more than 4000 followers on Facebook her business is booming.

”I’m happy I can practise my passion, and that I have a natural talent for coloring silk, enabling me to recreate almost any kind of flowers. But there will always one flower I will love the most, and that is the English garden rose.”


The best thing about this? Elena has an Etsy page where you can buy her wonderful silk flowers!







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