Princess roses from Japan; the stories behind the roses


Princess Roses

Have you ever worked with one of the Princess roses? Perhaps you’ve had them at home or in your bridal bouquet? The royal varieties of the Japanese Princess roses are not only special in name, but also have unique colors. These strong roses with gorgeous blooms have a longer vase life than the average garden rose, ensuring you can enjoy them for quite some time! Today we wanted to take the opportunity to tell you a little bit more about these roses and show you their natural beauty. Enjoy! 


Princess Aiko

Princess roses: Premium Garden Rose Princess AikoThe first of these four gorgeous Princess roses is called Princess Aiko. Princess Aiko is a beautiful salmon pink garden rose with a peony shape. This rose definitely brightens up any room. The Princess rose Aiko is also known as ‘Beloved One’ and is named after a Japanese Princess.

In a break with tradition, the name of the princess was chosen by her parents, instead of by the Emperor. It was selected from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Mencius and means:

”One who loves the others will be constantly loved by them; one who respects others will be constantly respected by them.”

Princess roses: Premium Garden Rose Princess Aiko


Princess Miyuki

Princess roses: Premium Garden Rose Princess MiyukiThe next variety of our Princess roses, Princess Miyuki, is unlike the rose Princess Aiko not named after an actual princess. Nonetheless, the name for this stunning white garden rose was carefully chosen.

The name ‘Miyuki’ is actually a pretty common Japanese feminine name and has several meanings like ‘first snow’ and ‘beautiful snow’. Princess Miyuki was clearly given this name because of its gorgeous snow white looks!

Princess roses: Premium Garden Rose Princess Miyuki


Princess Sakura

Princess roses: Premium Garden Rose Princess SakuraNumber three of the Princess roses collection is the wonderful garden rose called Princess Sakura. This beautiful peony type garden rose has a peachy pink color. The hues of the Princess Sakura vary from an almost white on the outer petals to a bright pink and warm peach toward its center.

This Princess rose was named after the Japanese Sakura flower which has the meaning ‘Cherry Blossom’.

Princess Sakura is a great choice for blending with all the peachy-guava tones that have been so popular for the past couple of years. Important note: When this rose arrives the blooms are still very closed. That’s why Princess Sakura needs at least four days in water to open nicely.

Princess roses: Premium Garden Rose Princess Sakura


Princess Kishi

Princess roses: Premium Garden Rose Princess KishiLast but not least, one of the beautiful Princess roses is called ‘Kishi’. Just like the Princess Sakura rose, this rose needs a couple of days in water before she starts blooming delightfully. The color of the rose Princess Kishi could be best described as deep cherry red with some magenta undertones. When in bloom fully, this rose reveals a chartreuse green center that creates a very striking contrast.

The name of the rose Princess Kishi is also known as ‘Long and Happy Life’. It’s the perfect alias for this rose, because this strong rose with large blooms has a very long vase life of 12+ days!

Princess roses: Premium Garden Rose Princess Kishi


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